Week 6 – Hawaii Style

Some of the greatest thoughts have come to me from Hawaii. I think it’s no coincidence that the “J’s” as I like to call them, are based there too. The one that has really been on my mind for the past couple of weeks is called Ho’oponopono. If you aren’t familiar with the practice, I found a good description at The Light Some Life Blog. It is defined as the “ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness.”

At its most basic, it is a short prayer or mantra that you can recite out loud or to yourself, often to help resolve conflict (internal, or with someone). I’ve been using it as the “gift” I give to people (silently) when I meet them. I’m not an expert on this practice, but it reminds me a lot of the readings we’ve been doing.


I also use it when I’m consumed with negative thoughts about someone. I try the whole “Law of Substitution” to replace negative feelings and thoughts with something positive and constructive. I like the idea of taking personal responsibility for the conflict, of recognizing our connectedness.

It’s been a tough couple of weeks for me. This whole process has stirred up a lot, and I’m facing some pretty big decisions with a lot of serious repercussions and potential conflict. I’ve always been good at making hard choices, when needed, but feel like life is moving too fast for me to really sit down and reflect. To think. I’ve been getting my Sit in, but usually at night before bed and I almost always fall asleep on the living room floor. I haven’t done my press release. Not because I can’t make time for it, but because I don’t know what to say. I thought I knew what I wanted going into this process, but all this cement-chipping has really messed with that vision. I don’t want to make any hasty moves, but I don’t like indecision. I want to know what I want and go for it. Sigh.

This is definitely a process that can’t be rushed. I think that’s why I have faith in it. Ho’oponopono is helping with the day-to-day survival too!

12 thoughts on “Week 6 – Hawaii Style

  1. marilynrholloway

    Thank you, JC. I have also been doing Ho’oponopono recently. One day following a sit I found myself doing H’oponopono for my whole family, starting with parents and going on to grandparents, sisters and brother, aunts, uncles, cousins, my children and grandchildren and then a couple of ex’s! Afterwards I felt like a fog had lifted. It is an on-going practice as you say and I love what you are doing when negative thoughts arise. I am taking a tip from you there. Thank you again, this was a great reminder of a beautiful and powerful practice.


  2. masterkeyjac

    Thank you for sharing. I also do Ho’oponopono. It is a wonderful practice. Have you read the book by Joe Vitale called Zero Limits? I’ve even gone so far as to communicate with buildings like Dr. New Len did in the book. It’s a nice reminder that we are all connected and what affects one affects us all and we are all responsible for everything that comes into our lives. I understand the challenges you are feeling, this can be a very difficult process. I told my friend yesterday that it felt like I was fighting for my life and she agreed, only it was for the life I envision. You aren’t alone in this, many here have your back. You’ve got this! You’re awesome!!


    1. jccoombs Post author

      “fighting for my life” – yes! I feel melodramatic saying it out loud, but that’s exactly right! nice to know I’m not alone though, thanks for the comment 🙂


  3. fairlyone

    I ABSOLUTELY love this post of yours! For many years now I’ve forgiven knowing that forgiveness is something that you do for yourself. There have been those who have wondered how a person can be so forgiving when all that they could think of was revenge.
    As a part of my DMP, which wasn’t mentioned yet it was included, was that I find like minded people, or if you’d rather, like minded people find me! lol Again, great post


  4. transcending4ever

    Hi, I also had struggles with the press release because not sure what is on my DMP is really what I want. I have decided to make it happen just because I can and keep letting that cement chip off till it is clear. Enjoyed your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Renu

    I’d never heard of Ho’oponopono before…thank you for sharing and providing the link for more information on it. It sounds like a very effective practice…something I would like to keep in mind during times of conflict. Nicely done. 🙂



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